CMSimple version 2.0 - August 1. 2003
Small - simple - smart
© 1999-2003 Peter Andreas Harteg - peter@harteg.dk
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by Affero, Inc. version 1. All files in the CMSimple distribution (except other language files than English and Danish) are covered by this license.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: As covered by the AGPL Section 2(d), the "Powered by CMSimple"-link to cmsimple.dk must under no circumstances be removed from pages generated by this program (except in print facility). If you want to remove or hide this link from your pages, you must purchase CMSimple under a commercial license. This also applies testing purposes and setup at an intranet or internal network.
Please be aware, that the AGPL in Section 2(d) requires, that any modified version of the program runned public (ie. on the Internet) must have an additional download facility for the modified version. This also applies to any modification of the template. Therefore you should purchase a commercial license, if you do not want the design of your internet site to fall under the AGPL license.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the AGPL for more details.
A copy of the Affero General Public License is available at http://www.cmsimple.dk/?License/AGPL, if not, write to Affero, Inc., 510 Third Street, Suite 225, San Francisco, CA 94107 USA.
This copyright note must must under no circumstances be removed from this file and any distribution of code covered by this license.
For further information about this license and how to purchase a commercial license, please see http://www.cmsimple.dk/?License
For downloads and information about installation, please see http://www.cmsimple.dk
Nu een gedicht - zo
een gedicht
van Karel Numan
Welkom > 26 haiku’s voor Roel > Ondertussen scharrelt de tijd rond > zo
Zoals het bospad ophoudt, doodloopt in de struiken
zoals een hond daarna verloren verder holt
zoals je gouden magma tot gebeente stolt
zoals je wegvalt uit veelarmige gebruiken
zoals je adem wegvloeit uit zijn witte kruiken
zoals Jaggernauth over aanbidders rolt
zoals een kind blij lacht als het zijn speelgoed molt
zoals de vis gedreven wordt tot in de fuiken
zo gaan wij mensen om met ondergang en dood
zo komen we een praatje makend door de dag
zo vinden we de weg die leidt uit moeders schoot
zo vrezen wij de dragers van een blind gezag
zo godvergeten spelend worden wij begraven
zo worden we opgeschrokt door de zwarte raven
Powered by CMSimple